Need For Speed: Most Wanted

April 26, 2006 · Print This Article

Need for Speed : Most WantedIf you love to street race in your own tripped out vehicle while leaving rivals and law enforcement in the dust, you may be interested in Need for Speed:  Most Wanted.  This is the next in the series.  It follows the ever popular Need for Speed: Underground (which sold over 15 million copies worldwide).

This game allows you to roam the open roads throughout industrial and urban cities.  You can challenge rivals or police as you please.  Your goal is to become the most notorious, yet elusive street racer around.

Need for Speed: Underground features the blacklist.  Getting to the top of the blacklist is your goal.  There are 15 rivals on the blacklist.  You meet certain challenges in order to get a chance to compete with the rivals on the blacklist.  You then slowly rise to the top of the list and earn some respect of everyone.

Getting to the top of the blacklist is not easy.  You must also build up a rap sheet.  You gain marks on your rap sheet by pissing off the local police department!  You must out fox the ever present police force with evasion tactics and speed.  You can also add marks to your rap sheet by performing headline making stunts and getting record breaking times with each race!

Getting into some trouble with law enforcement is a lot of fun.  You will often find yourself in some Hollywood styled chases!  The police will use everything to catch you.  They will bump you, try to box you in, put up road blocks, call in reinforcements, and even try to stop you with helicopters!  You best listen to your police scanner…

Your ride is fully customizable.  You can alter your car and purchase upgrades at the safe house.  There are different vehicles available to you.  Work hard and get yourself the fastest car out there! 

The graphics are nicely done.  You can clearly see the background and details even when traveling at high speeds.  The background music is also quite catchy.  However, it is a bit hard to hear over the rampaging police cars if you find yourself being chased.  The controls are easy to figure out and your car will maneuver quite smoothly.

Need for Speed is available for XBOX, XBOX 360, Playstation 2, and Gamecube.  The XBOX 360 has the best graphic of all of the systems.  The ESRB rating is T for teen.  This is because the game features mild violence.


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